Check out these pics of Day 6 from the Arctic!
Check out these pics of Day 4 from the Arctic!
Check out these pics of Day 3 from the Arctic!
Check out these pics of Day 1 from the Arctic!
Watch this quick 15 second clip of epic scenes from the Arctic!
Day 4 of the Baffin leg of Arctic2Atacama expedition a wicked blizzard rolled in...
For the first 140km of the Baffin leg of Arctic2Atacama we were able...
The team has arrived in Pangnirtung after crossing Baffin from Qikiqtarjuaq...
The team expected Day 10 to be one of the toughest due to deeper sand...
Check out these pics of Day 10-11 from the Atacama Desert!
The last 2 days have been amazing! Check out the footage from a railway...
Check out these pics of Day 7-8 from the Atacama Desert!
The team managed another 60 miles through the Atacama Desert....
Check out these pics of Day 5-6 from the Atacama Desert!
Amazing sights from the Atacama; Ray compares running the Atacama to...
Check out these pics of Day 3-4 from the Atacama Desert!
Short video of Day 2 from the Atacama Desert!
Check out these pics of Day 1 from the Atacama Desert!
Second stage of Arctic2Atacama has begun!